Did you know you have a core power center you’ve likely not been taught to activate? 

One that gives you strength, magnetism and clarity to be seen and heard for who you truly are?

Are you ready to expand into the power of your Divine Feminine?

In these difficult and changing times we often operate from a place of deficit and burnout. From a place of fear and anxiety.

What if you could remove your blocks and what stands in your way by activating your greatest personal resource?

Your place of wildness and wisdom. 

Your Divine Feminine Power Center.


You can! Empowered Feminine Presence Circles are weekly gatherings (limited to 8 women) which incorporate meditation and experiential group exercises where you connect to your source of internal radiance and magnetism. Lifting your veil of confusion and frustration.

Along with your sisters you will discover your deepest authentic expression, your innate intuition, and rise into your personal power and presence.

With joy! Blissful joy!

These practices support a life of ease and grace, confidence and presence, empowering you to rise into your fullest, brightest expression of self. 

You'll experience a lightness of being. A oneness of self, spirit and planet, ready to sing your song to Gaia.

These are life-long tools you'll enjoy using every day!

Join Kate for Empowered Feminine Presence and allow your own unique feminine essence and power to be the attractor for your desires.


Kate offers free introductory workshops on Empowered Feminine Presence available for your group. Connect for more info.